Try Holistic Medicine in the New Year!
Interested in holistic medicine for your pets? Now is a great time to try. 2014 is going to be a great year, and we want to make it even better! In January and February, we are offering 25% holistic treatment packages. That’s 25% off of a package of 4 acupuncture...

Demodex Mange – A Holistic Approach
So our cute little patient, Nathan, the “guide-dog-in-training” has Demodex mites. Quick review: Demodex mites, unlike the other well-known mites of canines (Sarcoptic mites), are not contagious, and typically do not cause itch, unless they are accompanied by a...

Bella the Wonderdog
Meet Bella the Wonderdog! You wouldn’t know it by her shiny, healthy coat in this picture, but 6 months ago her entire coat was actually sloughing off of her body. She was diagnosed with an auto-immune condition called Pemphigus foliaceus, which caused her immune...

Heart Murmur – Mitral Valve Disease
This is a patient we examined this month for a new heart murmur. It highlights the most common cause of heart murmurs in pets as they age. By performing an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart), we can see the inside of the heart to diagnose the cause of the murmur...

What’s Tucker Eating? 8/18/13
We had a lot of little leftovers from the kids today, so it all went in the mix, including blueberries, strawberries, banana, gluten-free raisin bread, and gluten-free spinach tortillas with nitrite-free turkey and cheddar cheese. If it’s good enough for us, it’s good...

Chance the Cat
This sweet kitty was fed by an elderly woman, who called a rescue organization to help her trap him and fix his injured paw. He had a fever and low blood count but is on the mend with minor surgery and antibiotics. He’s staying with us while he heals, and we were...

What’s Tucker Eating?
I am asked often what I feed my pets. The truth is that my pets eat different things every day depending on what I have at home and what they need each day. Each week, I am going to show you what my pets eat. This was Tucker’s dinner last night. Canned Trader Joe’s...

Cardiac & Abdominal Ultrasound
We are excited to now offer ultrasound! Dr. Sheehan has 9 years of experience in both abdominal and cardiac ultrasound. We use the ultrasound to diagnose causes of heart murmurs and monitor the progress of cardiac diseases, such as Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy in cats,...
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